Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Simply, Artfully ~ Yours Truly, Michelle

We call it the “Art of Design”.
A planned event is an art, as it shows the personality of the client, and it not only shows one’s personality but allows the client to show their many sides of creativity and expression.

Yours Truly, Michelle is unique from other event planners by the way in which we approach each client. Allowing a couple to express themselves through the design elements of their wedding makes the project for us, extremely personal.We allow for artful living and expression.

To live a life focused on sustainability, is an artful way of living and expressing you
rself. To go above “easy” wasteful living, is to live a life of “artful sustainable purpose”. Why not show this during your special event and have the choices available to facilitate your life’s purpose? That is what Yours Truly, Michelle allows you to do, in a grand way.

Yours Truly, Michelle strives to make living green as normal as any other responsibility. We recycle all office materials to ensure reuse and minimize waste. We repurpose furniture and other items. We emphasize public transportation and offer hybrid vehicles as an alternative choice. We also emphasize to couples at local venues to utilize a horse pulled carriage for their wedding. Not only does this decrease vehicle emissions, it also allows us to utilize local merchants and farmers.

For the Bride & Groom...

A wedding is the creation of a new life together and a new journey. Support the Earth and start a new life with sapling tree favors and plantable favors. These are always a hit with your guests, as they can feel as though they are supporting your “art and style of living.” What better gift can one ask for?

Yours Truly, Michelle donates a portion of profits to an eco-charity of the couple’s choice.

Live simply, but artfully.

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